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5 Places to Lock Your Money Instead of Banks

Thursday, 06 December 2012, 01:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: With greater money comes greater financial risk. Putting all your money in a single financial institution, bank, insurance policy or a market security, can make your financial situation volatile or unstable. As an investor you must always opt for diversification of your assets which will ensure financial safety of your invested funds. With so much of financial scams happening around the world, even banks don’t prove to be a genuine place for storing your money. However there are other five options available for stocking your money, reports

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Precious Metals

Holding gold or silver in some form of biscuits or bar is always referred as safe investment. Even other precious metals like platinum or copper also hold a good value. So put your money in enjoy the excitement of watching their value go up in the long run. Even on the days of economic crisis when the financial market creases to function, precious metals will still retain a good value. It is always recommended for investors to hold a certain percentage of your assets in this form.

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