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5 Must Follow Money Tips for Teenagers

Tuesday, 09 April 2013, 02:23 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Know True Value On Money

If you have to understand the value of money you should calculate it in terms of the amount of hard work you have put in.

Open a bank account and start saving a small percentage of amount and use this money for some good purpose like paying college fees or dance class fees or even music classes. There can be plenty of other ways too.

This will help you build monetary skills at a very young age and take up good financial decisions in their future.

5. Investing For Yourself

What you are when young, will define what you will become in the future. Saving money is very important part of life, but this doesn’t mean that you should skip on the important aspects of your teen.

As a teenager you might feel tempted to eat in an expensive restaurant or buy branded clothes which are above your budget. So to avoid this, list-out all the necessary things that you should buy in a period of time.

Also Read: Pocket Money: First Step Towards Financial Learning for Kids 10 Most Rarest and Expensive Coins in the World

