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5 Must Do Investing Tips to Do in Your 30s

Friday, 29 March 2013, 01:44 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Have an Emergency Fund

The advantage of having an emergency fund is the amount of safety that it provides. Life is unpredictable and you should plan your financial investments well to keep your family secured in crises like loss of job, medical emergency etc.

You can only survive these situations if you have enough funds saved. As emergency funds cannot be built in a day, you need to plan for it save a specific amount each month. May be saving is the first step towards this.

3. Know Your Financial Goals

To secure a sound financial life, you need to set some goals. Financial goals are of two types - short-term goals like sending your child to school, buying a car or purchasing gold and long term goals like buying a house, saving for a financially secure retirement.

Once you have your goals set, you can plan your investments accordingly. Try and set a deadline (of course it can be in years) to fulfill that aim. This will help you to determine the purpose of planning, accessing and accomplish it.

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