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5 Money Saving Tips Which You Know But Tend To Ignore

Thursday, 21 March 2013, 01:48 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Avoid Shopping in Malls

Clothes are one of the most important needs for living. Moreover, our dressing sense reflects our character in brief. We are also very cautious in choosing the range of our dresses.

While buying clothes for ourselves, we normally look out for big brands and finally end up landing in some glamorous malls or glittering stores.

Most of the times, the offers in those stores tempts us to buy a handful of clothes and we never realize how much we are spending on those clothes.

But, if we change our way of shopping, we can save a lot of cash. The local markets or the Indian cloth manufacturer are no ways lesser than those big brands. The difference in the price tags between these two markets is also pretty big.

By supporting the local markets or by avoiding the shopping malls, we can add an extra layer to our savings.

3. Buying Items In Bulk

Items like toilet soaps, paper bags, shampoo, containers, garbage bags, etc. are some of the common items in every home.

We never bother so much about all these items as they are easily available and the costs are also comparatively low. But if we pay a little attention to all these items, we can end up saving a lot on these items as well.

These items do not get spoiled very easily and also, when these items are bought in bulk amount, we can get extra discounts on them. This will surely increase our savings.

Next time, the toilet soap or the tissue paper roll gets over; make sure you have them in stock.

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