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5 Mistakes That Will Result In Credit Score Killers

Wednesday, 21 October 2015, 01:11 IST
By SiliconIndia

sdBENGALURU: The Credit Information Bureau Limited (CIBIL) scores are very important when it comes to check your credit score. There are numerous ways to maintain and improve it but let's for a change look at the other side and find out the things that can harm or kill your credit score?, according to

High Credit Card Balance:

One of the most important influential factors in credit scoring is your revolving credit balances relative to your credit limit. You may be able to afford to spend much or all of your available credit and pay the bills in full, but that doesn’t mean you should. The ratio of your credit card balance to the card’s limit is called credit utilization and it’s calculated for each revolving credit account you have, as well as your total balances relative to your total amount of available credit.

If you have low credit card limits and wants to use your cards for a lot of purchases, consider paying your bill more frequently so the balance doesn’t creep up.

Applying For More Credit Cards At Once:

When you apply for a credit card or a loan, the potential creditor will want to see what your credit looks like. Credit checks for the purpose of extending credit are considered hard inquiries and hard inquiries will knock a few points off your score. If you apply for many credit cards in a short period of time, those little dings add up to a big dent in your score.

But applying for loans is a bit different, since scoring models group those inquiries together so as not to penalize you for shopping around.

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