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4 Ways Your Laziness is Costing You Money

Friday, 25 November 2011, 23:52 IST
By SiliconIndia
Bangalore: Laziness has been humanity's bane for millennia. We need to accept the fact that at one point of time in life we have been lazy; if there was something of importance that had to be done, we chose to procrastinate and relish our laziness. It is quite natural to feel lazy. But the kind of laziness we are referring to is, that mind set of wanting not to associate with a particular task no matter what benefits that the task may incur. Because it not only leads to wasted time but also missed money-saving opportunities. Ask yourself how much time you're spending on looking for deals and comparing prices of products online? If your answer is on a negative count, then you are to be blamed if you have no money left in your pockets at the end of the month.

Going the extra mile or two can be good for you so are doing things on time and before their deadlines. Here are some eye openers on how laziness can cost you a lot.

Relying On Pre-made Food At The Grocery Store

4 Ways Your Laziness is Costing You Money
Convenience doesn't come cheap. With a busy schedule of managing home and office, you are left with no time to prepare your meal you walk to a nearest store and consider picking a pre made food. But before you do so ask for yourself: Make it or buy it - what is cheaper. Consider items like bread, cake etc it would cost you cheaper when made at home rather than buying it. Same goes with the cost of making your own salad that is $6.56 per pound, a markup of 37 percent.