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3 Lessons From Steve Jobs That Can Change Your Life as a Human and an Investor

Friday, 28 October 2011, 21:46 IST
By SiliconIndia
Bangalore: In a few years from now, my kids will ask me what it was like to be alive when Steve Jobs was the world's best innovator and businessman.

3 Lessons From Steve Jobs That Can Change Your Life as a Human and an Investor
They will ask me: "Jobs was the best person in business when you were young. What was he like? What did you learn from him?"

What will my answer be?

You see, it is human nature to overlook the importance of those who are here and now. Those who are great and live among us seem more normal because they're breathing the same air that we are. But we realize the greatness of such people only when they are gone.

Like now, when Steve Jobs is no longer with us, I have this regret that I wasn't paying more attention while he was with us.

The wisdom he shared over the years - at every speech he made, in his product presentations for Apple, or in his casual chats - now seems 10 times wiser because he's no longer with us.

So, I'll pause today and remind myself of the 3 great lessons Steve Jobs has taught me as a human being (and also as an investor).