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21 Traits What Rich Have But You Don't

Friday, 05 October 2012, 01:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. KNOWLEDGE Is More Important Than EDUCATION

Middle class people are still struck with the idea that to become rich what you need the most is a proper formal education and a certified qualification. But rich believe in knowledge more than education. We have many such billionaires who are college dropouts.

"Many world-class performers have little formal education, and have amassed their wealth through the acquisition and subsequent sale of specific knowledge," he writes.

"Meanwhile, the masses are convinced that master's degrees and doctorates are the way to wealth, mostly because they are trapped in the linear line of thought that holds them back from higher levels of consciousness...The wealthy aren't interested in the means, only the end."

5. Riches Dream About the FUTURE more than the PAST

Rich people don’t sit and waste their time to remind their good old happy days. Rather they sit and plan their time and strategize to take some actions against their thoughts.

"Self-made millionaires get rich because they're willing to bet on themselves and project their dreams, goals and ideas into an unknown future. People who believe their best days are behind them rarely get rich, and often struggle with unhappiness and depression."

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