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10 Ways To Save More Money When You Eat Out

Thursday, 06 March 2014, 00:31 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. Drink that is less expensive or free: One bottle of Pepsi please!  Or one cup of tea or coffee! Why to go for something that we can have at our home for free. Drinks can really add to your bill particularly if you're drinking beverages or aerated drinks. Better go for some normal water which is almost free or soda. It is often seen that these aerated drinks like Pepsi or Coca Cola are double the price in restaurants that we actually get outside, then why to waste our money? If you are that eager to have such drinks have them from small shops after finishing your dinner.

3. Try to dine earlier: Prices are bit on a higher side when you go out for a dinner? Have you ever heard of happy hours in a restaurant? If so then go for it. Nowadays we see most of the restaurants offering happy hours if you dine a bit early or late.  Many other restaurants offer half price appetizers with special drinks. The happy hours timings can be certain period before dinner like between 4p.m. to 6 p.m. To take such advantages, start your dinner just as happy hour ends, and part of your meal will be discounted even if the balance of the meal stretches into non-happy hour periods.

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