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10 Ways To Keep Your Internet Banking Safe

Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 02:22 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Lock Icon That You Use

First of all, make sure that you are using authentic website and before you enter your personal information on that website look for the “lock” option. This will safeguard your personal information and your password as well. A closed lock or padlock indicates that the website you are on is secure.

At times, when we are in a hurry, we tend to avoid this fact. This simple ignorance can leave behind your traces and the frauds can easily follow them.

5. Inform Your Bank Immediately If Emergency

 As the proverb says “every day is not a Sunday”. Sometimes at ATM while you enter your password, you would enter a wrong password by mistake, your card gets withheld by the ATM machine. In case this happens, it is better to inform the bank immediately so that they can block the card instantly.

The second important thing; if you notice that some money is missing in your internet bank account, inform the bank immediately. Chances are there, with the increase in time; your money can get stolen.

These days most of the banks give SMS approval system to give added protection to your bank account. Make sure that you get SMSs every time you withdraw cash. In case if you don’t receive SMS, inform your bank immediately and check you balance.

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