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10 Ways How To Value Money At A Young Age

Monday, 22 September 2014, 23:26 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: Youngsters always engage themselves in spending money on shopping and hanging out with friends. They most often feel that saving is a long term process and they have the rest of their life left to save.

But, the time has come to change your thinking. As the rupee rate is depreciating, with one or two point up against the U.S. Dollar, it’s time to spend wisely and start saving for your future.

Here is a list of the most important things young professional must know about personal finance as listed by Mark F. Toledo of Brazen Life.

1. Concentrate on Your Career

Being young, you must firstly focus on your education and later on job. Your education plays a vital role in the way you are going to lead the rest of your life.

So make sure that you pick the right course for yourself and once you complete your education, look for a job that suits you well. Remember always look for the job where there is space for you to learn and grow.

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