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10 Things You Must Know About Insurance

Wednesday, 01 August 2012, 01:42 IST
By SiliconIndia

7. Settlement for the claims has to be processed within 30 days from the receipt of the report. A delay in settlement is one of the problems commonly faced by the insured and there is often confusion with respect to the time frame within which the claims of the insured must be settled by the insurer.

8. No insurance agency has the right to reject your medical claim on the grounds of pre-existing ailment if the ailment was not known to you. Pre-existing ailment is one of the most common arguments for rejection of medical claims by the insurance companies. Be aware that no insurance agency can reject your medical claims on the grounds of pre-existing ailment if the ailment was not known to you.

9. Be sure that the policy premiums are within your ability to pay. Don't take into consideration only the initial premiums, but take account of any later premium increase. And don't buy life insurance unless you intend to stay with it. It can be very expensive if you quit during the early years of the policy.

A third party who is insured will be permitted to claim benefit from the insurance company, only if he does not abide by the rules of violation of the insurance policy. As violation of the policy rules can lead to the circumstance, where the insurance company can recover the amount from the third party.
