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10 Things You Can't Buy With Your Credit Card

Thursday, 29 August 2013, 00:47 IST
By SiliconIndia

6. To make money orders

The most profitable situation for a credit card company is when one takes out cash advance since the companies charge an extra fee on cash-advance. If credit is converted to cash via money orders, the card companies will lose out on this fee and that is why card issuers usually don’t allow payment of money orders with credit cards. Even the money order providers do not accept credit card payments.

7. To buy products in discount rates

While shopping, people love to bargain on the price even if it’s just for a rupee or two. But to be able to negotiate the price, one should carry cash or debit card and not credit cards because discount grocers don’t accept cards. Use of credit cards on discount stores is discouraged to trim down the merchant fees and business cost.

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