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10 Super Rich Philanthropist

Friday, 11 May 2012, 23:32 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: The number of riches in the world is very less, but quantitative. Often many of them have wealth equivalent to a country’s wealth. Yes, a complaint justifies the wealth inequity, but there are many who gave away huge chunk of sums to charities, scientific research and for other worthy causes. Let’s check out the list of such 10 biggest philanthropic donors of 2010, jotted down by Chronicle of Philanthropy.

1. George Soros

Amount Donated in 2010: $332 Million

Net Worth: $22 Billion

Beneficiary: Open Society Foundations

Soros is a financer, investor, philanthropist and the Chairman of Soros Fund Management. He is also the founder of Open Society Foundations, a society which seeks greater fairness in political, legal and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights.
