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10 Ridiculous Celebrity Purchases

Saturday, 21 April 2012, 01:48 IST
By SiliconIndia

5. Steven Spielberg

Quirky Purchase: ‘Rosebud’ Sled

Amount Paid: $60,000

The director who rose to stardom with iconic Hollywood movies, like - ‘E.T.,’ ‘Jaws’ and tons of others, has an undying love for classic movie memorabilia. Hollywood might have sunk to an all-time low in movie quality but it has produced some timeless classics. Spielberg has bought one such classic movie item – the ‘Rosebud’ sled from the critically acclaimed ‘Citizen Kane’ for $60,000. This purchase shows that even big-shot celebs love collecting famous items. Though in this case, Spielberg might not be able to enjoy the sled on a snow day.
