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10 Ridiculous Celebrity Purchases

Saturday, 21 April 2012, 01:35 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Most people succumb to their whims and fancies at the drop of a hat and celebs are no different. As human beings, no one can escape the clutches of desire. And it is this desire that makes us buy the craziest of things. Dani Gorin of PowerWall.Com and Jeff Wysaski of Guyism.Com have listed 10 of the quirkiest celeb purchases. So, have a look –

1. Daniel Radcliff

Quirky Purchase: Mattress

Amount Paid: $17,000

Our favourite boy wizard seems to have picked up quite a bit of quirkiness from the Harry Potter movie series. As the reel world of Hogwarts is full of enchanted, magical and jinxed items, Potter seems to have become a bit too affected by them in real life. Our darling Potter has purchased a $17,000 custom-made Savoir mattress because his dorm mattress wasn’t very comfy or maybe because he was having nightmares of ‘The Woman in Black.’ Well, we certainly hope that he is sleeping better now.
