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10 Most Ignored Money Saving Tips

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 01:36 IST
By SiliconIndia

7. Keep a Track on All Your Expenses

Wishes and expenses do not have any limits. Every day, we end up wishing for new things for ourselves and most of the times, we turn our wishes into reality.

While expensing and turning our wishes into reality, you might overcome the limit of your budget and end up with a big hole in your wallet. In such cases, it is always advisable to maintain a record of all your expenses and to examine them at the end of the month. This might sound absurd, but while doing this, you will definitely come to know about the required and the useless expenses you made through the month.

8. Some Items Can Be Bought In Bulk

Some of the household items last for pretty longer period of time. Commodities like soap, tissue papers, tooth-paste, shampoo, etc. do not get spoilt quickly and also retains the quality for a longer period of time.

While purchasing all these household items, it is better to buy them in bulk as it will offer plenty of discounts on these items. Also, while purchasing these items, it is always better to prefer the local market rather than the super-market or any other costly stores.

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