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10 Most Ignored Money Saving Tips

Wednesday, 01 May 2013, 01:12 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: The droplets of water might also look very minute, but when these droplets combine together, we call it a river or a sea or an ocean. Minute things are not always as small as they appear; at times, when they are combined together, they can give rise to the greatest structure.

While attempting to save money, we might overlook some of our expenses that look very minute and go after the bulky expenses. We normally ignore the smaller expenses as we think, they will yield nothing. However, this is a very much wrong perception!

Here are ‘10’ money saving tips, which might look small and minute, but can turn your savings account bulky in the long run.

1. Avoid Credit Cards

Credit Cards do bring in lot of difference into our lives. They ease the pain of carrying cash, offers us an obstacle free shopping experience and also allows us to take care of our expenses during the times, we ran out of funds. Amidst of so many brighter aspects of the Credit Cards, we often tend to forget the darker aspects of these cards. And the darker aspects of these cards can bring much pain to our lives as compared to the benefits, it offers.

These cards come with some hidden charges and also penalty fees; in case of non-payment. At times, when we fail to repay the amounts to our banks, they charge us with additional interest which can be much more beyond our expected limit. Paying these interests will definitely reduce the thickness of our saving accounts and can be a welcome note to financial crisis.

2. Get Financial Lessons

While earning and spending, it is very much advisable to learn a few basic steps of finance related topics. Learning some of the financial tricks can enhance your vision about how and where to invest. Most importantly, these lessons will help you decide, how money can be invested and expensed in the right direction.

Learning the tricks of investment and expense will surely help you in having a decent saving account.

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