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10 Money Goals all 30s should have

Monday, 01 February 2016, 17:21 IST
By SiliconIndia


Clearing Credit Card Debts

Sometimes we are bothered with credit card bills because of irresponsible spending, but in 30s, it is time to restrict yourself and not fall in the traps of high-interest debt. Start from paying debts of highest interest rates and eliminate it from the list of responsibilities. Once the debts are cleared, ensure that credit card bills are paid every month until it becomes a deep-set habit.

Pay off Education Loans

Education loans helped you to complete studies, but now is the point where the debt needs to be cleared. If clearing the amount is well within reach, then clear it as soon as possible. It takes the burden off and gives an amazing feeling of relief both financially and psychologically. This money can be used for further savings or other productive works.

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