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10 Investing Commandments To Increase Your Net Worth

Wednesday, 01 April 2015, 01:26 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: Are you willing to make more money? What comes to your mind when you are about to start investing? You would be nervous because you perceive investment as a risk. Clearly, investment is associated with risk, but it can also give you fruitful returns if you invest wisely.

It’s pretty much important to review the basic rules of investing whether you are brand new to the investment world or have been investing for a while. has unveiled 10 guidelines to increase your net worth. Here are 10 simple rules of investing that might guide you the way to start with:

1. Start with a Clear Goal: Saving alone will not result in making a huge amount or will never create wealth; instead it can only help you make you feel secure to at your financial needs.

Have you ever seen your piggy banks contributing you even a single rupee to your wealth as a reward for saving? No. When you save your money, your money just gets saved in the earthen pot or a piggy bank. The only way to make your money grow is by investing.

Set a clear goal to improve your finances. There are so many options and flavors of investing in the market that will attract you. Don’t get confused with these options as investing without a particular destination or a goal will always hurt you.

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