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10 Highest Rated Stocks For 2013

Tuesday, 17 December 2013, 00:18 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Year 2013 was the most memorable year for the stock market and a wonderful year for many technology companies as well. Most of the companies witnessed an increase in their sales and in turn the investors also gained big.

Here is a list of 10 companies that witnessed the greatest gains in shareholder value and their plan for 2014, compiled by Aaron Pressman of The Exchange.

1. Google
Gain: $130.7 Billion

Google’s stock exceeded Facebook and Twitter’s entire market value. The company gain it due to its Android phones. Research shows that there could be growing demand in the coming years.

While looking at the future, the future of ad at Google remains quite healthy and the outlook for newer initiatives like Google+ and Google Glass is much in the light. However this is not going to affect the company’s fundamental growth.

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