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10 Controversial Stocks

Monday, 23 April 2012, 15:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Controversy has a tendency to follow almost all successful companies. Like most people say – ‘Any Publicity is Good Publicity,’ here are some controversial stocks, which were in news for all the wrong reasons, as given by Eric Platt of Business Insider –

1. Apple

Sector: Technology

52 Week Stock Performance: +87.4 Percent

Apple has fascinated people since its inception, be it in technology or style. It has truly taken gadgets to the next level. Apple also has the best and dedicated fan following and people wait in long queues to be the first ones to own its products. No wonder it rules the American market, both in sales and stock value.

Bear Case: As Apple stocks are very much sought after, they are highly over-valued in the stock market. The reason behind its high priced items has more to do with distribution than technology. As it needs to make up for its distribution costs, the price of the gadget goes up. Moreover, of late the supply chain issues have been troubling Apple. This in turn is affecting their sales negatively.
