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10 Books That Guide You to Become a Better Investor

Saturday, 06 July 2013, 01:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Reading books have always improved the knowledge of an individual. It helps you understand the world around you and others inspiring you the most. However, everything depends upon the kind of book you prefer to read.

There are many investors who lack knowledge about different factors in investing. To help you understand the pros and cons of investing “Money Personal Finance” has listed out 10 books that you, as an investor must read. Not all the books that are mentioned purely address finances, but they mostly talk about critical aspects of the marketplace.

1. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor was published first in 1949, which was written by Benjamin Graham. The book became popular because it mainly talks about value investing. Infact, the most successful investor of all times “Warren Buffett” described it as “the best book on investing ever written".

The book mainly focuses on helping the investor to protect himself from the mistakes and develop policies which are helpful.

It specifically guides defensive and enterprise investors to choose the right stock for them. 

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