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10 Biggest Financial Mistakes First Time Parents Make

Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 00:57 IST
By SiliconIndia

5. Excess Accessories

Toys, diapers, baby-mattresses, lotions, powders or a box of tissue papers are some of the mandatory accessories for the kids. Every parent ensures that their kids are having all of them. But at times, it is seen that in addition to these accessories, the parents get other accessories for their kids.

These excess accessories do not really come for free and moreover, the kids do not use them for a pretty longer period. In other words, getting excess accessories is nothing but a financial waste!

6. Holiday Planning

Holiday planning for the family becomes one of the major financial mistakes by the parents. In most of the cases, it is seen that the parents makes their holiday plans only after the kid becomes four-five years old.

The parents ignore the fact that post four-five, they have to pay for the kid’s travelling. While on the other hand, if they plans the same when the kid is two-three, the kid can even fly for free.

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